Fee / Bond Refund Information

This is the Harris County Auditor's Office - Fee Accounting Section help page. This help page is provided to help you with questions you may have related to money collected by the Sheriff, Constables, JP Courts, District Clerk, or County Clerk in Harris County. This may include questions about a check you received or disposition of funds collected through a judgment rendered by the courts. We are also able to answer questions about proceeds collected at the monthly foreclosure sale conducted by the Constables.

For assistance, email or call the Fee Accounting Section and provide the following information:

  • Phone number
  • Check number or case number
  • Specific questions
  • Any other information you may have that will assist us in serving you

Messages will be reviewed daily and you may expect an initial response within one business day. Thank you for contacting the Harris County Auditor's Office - Fee Accounting Section.

Contact Us

Fee Accounting Help Line:
